Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sue Jeffers Show 3/15/08 Review + Action Items

Sue Jeffers has her own blog. This is meant to be a supplement listeners to her informative radio show on Saturdays from 5-7PM. The Hubster highly recommends her show as a useful tool for busy Minnesotains to keep in touch with Minnesota politics. All

  1. Legislators introduced 1538 pieces of legislation this year thus far. Sue Jeffers (and I) think that they are up to no good.

  2. Baby DNA taken by force! Lawsuit of nine families against the Department of Health.

  3. Lead Republican for Health and Human Services (R) Jim Abler supports the charge against DNA Rights. Contact Jim Abler to force the issue. Remind him that the government does not have ownership over our DNA. We The People tell the government what it can do.

  4. Guns, Guns, Guns. Every time there is a gun incident, people fall into the non sequitor that what we need is "gun control". Gun control is never having to say I missed. The cops aren't necessarily going to bail you out, so stay armed and lead criminals with warm lead. Guests and Gun Trainers Tim Grant and Randy Penrod talk about gun rights and federalism. Gun Train is available through the AACFI. Voting is the final peaceful check-and-balance towards guarenteeing our rights, so it is important to maintain that. 32 States have right to carry laws, but it ideally is unnecessary because the right to carry shall not be infringed according to the second amendment. In Katrina they confiscated guns in Louisianna. If we do not excersize our rights, we lose them. Jefferson and Washington made it clear that carrying arms are paramount. Washington stated it is second only to the Constitution itself.

  5. Police cannot be everywhere at once. It is up to you to defend yourself.

  6. Heller Case upholds the 2nd Amendment, major victory.

  7. Gun Databases is a major infringement issue. It is a tool designed to assist government in stripping the 2nd Amendment rights at the appropriate time. Forum Thread on House File 953 with all of the appropriate information, and who to contact about it.

  8. Gun Show Loophole Canard mentioned. There is no such thing, except in the minds of fringe liberals who propegate myths to sell their bankrupt ideas. Gun Myths Debunked.

  9. Gun Owners need to know when to draw their arms and when not to, and to get a lawyer every time it is discharged in self-defense, because emotionally invested people who defendend themselves are useless. It is another reason to get gun training.

  10. Most Homeowner's Insurance does not generally cover gun incidents, so call your insurance agent to add it.

  11. Doctors ask you if you have a gun in the house. It is none of their damn business, and it isn't relevant to anything. Democrats are attempting to turn it into a public health issue so they can waste dollars on research furthering the canard.

  12. Stand Your Ground Bill may get passed next time. It was narrowly defeated by one vote. The goal of this bill is to put the onus on the State to explain why a shooter was wrong, rather than on the shooter to explain why he/she didn't run away instead. Better luck next time.

  13. Sue Jeffers lights the grassroots fire underneath the behind of our "incompetant State Party Chair", and his "replica" Brandon being the only one in the race. What is Gov. Pawlenty going to do? Andy Aplikowski keeps us up to date on his blog.

  14. - Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Association.

  15. Randy Penrod's email -

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