Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Socialist Army on the Move

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


We've just learned that President Obama is getting ready to
unleash the massive grassroots army he built during the
campaign to pressure Congress to pass his big-spending,
big-taxing budget.

As we predicted in Grassfire's own booklet "Living in an
Obama Nation," Obama is using the same community organizing
tactics that got him elected to push his agenda...

In other words, the presidency has become Obama's
personal platform to push his radical agenda!

+ + Obama's Radical Budget

As Grassfire's research staff has detailed, the Obama budget is
a radical, big government blueprint that will greatly expand
government, impose a new global warming "carbon tax," and add
at least $1.6 trillion in new taxes.

Some Senators are now beginning to realize that Obama is using
this budget to impose socialistic healthcare and radical carbon
taxation through the back door!

XXXXXX, this could be the most important battle we
face this year. That's why Grassfire is fighting back in
every way possible, and we need you to take action as well.

Action Item #1 - Sign our "Stop The Spending" Petition

The Senate is expected to vote NEXT WEEK on the Obama Budget
and we want to deliver at least 200,000 petitions before that vote.

Our records show you have not yet signed!
Please go here to sign the "Stop The Spending" petition
now and be included in this important delivery:

Action Item #2 -- Visit Your Congressmen's Offices

In addition to signing the petition, we are asking ALL team members
to visit their members of Congress' district offices.

We are coordinating these meetings through our ResistNet
social network. To find out if a meeting has been planned in
your area and to network and plan these visits with others
in your state, go here:

Action Item #3 - Alert Your Friends

Finally, spread the word. The Obama Budget is the lynchpin for his
entire socialistic agenda, and we need members of our team spreading
the word about what is happening.

As I noted earlier, Obama is unleashing his grassroots team to force
Congress to pass his budget. And he's using the budget process to
basically get approval on the three key components of his socialistic

--massive tax increases

--state takeover of healthcare

--oppressive global warming carbon tax

Keep in mind, the truth isn't being told. The liberal media has
already shown they are giving Obama a free pass. That's why it's
up to you and me to get the truth out to grassroots Americans.

To date, is the ONLY organization that has published
the real total of new taxes in the Obama budget (over $2 trillion).

Thank you for your efforts!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Congress is fast-tracking the budget to get this done before
their Spring break in just over two weeks. Please sign the petition
and consider joining with others in your state to visit your member
of Congress' in-state office.

To sign the petition:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This
e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.
To contact with comments, questions or to change your
status, see link at the end.)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network
of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real
impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not
tax deductible.

+ + Comments? Questions?

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