Sunday, April 19, 2009

Book Club Organized

The Minnetonka conservative book club had a meeting of the minds today. We went over the first two chapters of Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny.

We elected to make signs the Jason Lewis Tax Cut Rally May 2nd at 11AM. We decided to make signs about the Global Warming Hoax, since it is the biggest hoax possibly in history.

Here are some of our slogan ideas:

Decided Deception
Tyranny of GW
The Modern Day Sinkhole(or Money Pit)
DDT Saved Millions of Lives
Global Warming is Global Tyranny
Go Green, Going, Going, Gone (stolen from someone, but still good)
How Many Carbon Credits Does a Volcano Need?
Can't You Read the Signs?
Tyranny and TAXsumption
Hybrid of Lies

We will have a sign rally at 3PM next Sunday. Justin noted it would be more timely to use Mark Levin's Chapter 8 as inspiration and that it will change your mind on the environmentalist wackos forever, so we elected to have that read before the sign making session.

Happy Days!

Monday, March 30, 2009

We've Moved

Click Here to Help Free the Flaming (me)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obama Sacrifices Alabama Condom Plant

Perhaps by hope, Obama means hopefully Chinese condoms won't split on you. Don't forget to buy American.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Taxation Without Representation

I personally recommend that all of those who cherish liberty and freedom should read LookTrueNorth as it slips away from the great people of Minnesota.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Socialist Army on the Move

From the Desk of:
Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


We've just learned that President Obama is getting ready to
unleash the massive grassroots army he built during the
campaign to pressure Congress to pass his big-spending,
big-taxing budget.

As we predicted in Grassfire's own booklet "Living in an
Obama Nation," Obama is using the same community organizing
tactics that got him elected to push his agenda...

In other words, the presidency has become Obama's
personal platform to push his radical agenda!

+ + Obama's Radical Budget

As Grassfire's research staff has detailed, the Obama budget is
a radical, big government blueprint that will greatly expand
government, impose a new global warming "carbon tax," and add
at least $1.6 trillion in new taxes.

Some Senators are now beginning to realize that Obama is using
this budget to impose socialistic healthcare and radical carbon
taxation through the back door!

XXXXXX, this could be the most important battle we
face this year. That's why Grassfire is fighting back in
every way possible, and we need you to take action as well.

Action Item #1 - Sign our "Stop The Spending" Petition

The Senate is expected to vote NEXT WEEK on the Obama Budget
and we want to deliver at least 200,000 petitions before that vote.

Our records show you have not yet signed!
Please go here to sign the "Stop The Spending" petition
now and be included in this important delivery:

Action Item #2 -- Visit Your Congressmen's Offices

In addition to signing the petition, we are asking ALL team members
to visit their members of Congress' district offices.

We are coordinating these meetings through our ResistNet
social network. To find out if a meeting has been planned in
your area and to network and plan these visits with others
in your state, go here:

Action Item #3 - Alert Your Friends

Finally, spread the word. The Obama Budget is the lynchpin for his
entire socialistic agenda, and we need members of our team spreading
the word about what is happening.

As I noted earlier, Obama is unleashing his grassroots team to force
Congress to pass his budget. And he's using the budget process to
basically get approval on the three key components of his socialistic

--massive tax increases

--state takeover of healthcare

--oppressive global warming carbon tax

Keep in mind, the truth isn't being told. The liberal media has
already shown they are giving Obama a free pass. That's why it's
up to you and me to get the truth out to grassroots Americans.

To date, is the ONLY organization that has published
the real total of new taxes in the Obama budget (over $2 trillion).

Thank you for your efforts!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Congress is fast-tracking the budget to get this done before
their Spring break in just over two weeks. Please sign the petition
and consider joining with others in your state to visit your member
of Congress' in-state office.

To sign the petition:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
(Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This
e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal messages.
To contact with comments, questions or to change your
status, see link at the end.)

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network
of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real
impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not
tax deductible.

+ + Comments? Questions?

ALERT - Baby DNA Taken Without Parental Consent - ALERT

House DFL Leadership railroads Baby DNA bill to passage

Amended House Bill (HF1341) will enable the Healt
h Department and the Mayo Clinic to KEEP their Baby DNA Warehouses
  • Citizen Rights Quashed
  • What's Next?
  • Critical Action Items

Rights Quashed

Yesterday, members of the Minnesota House pushed the Baby DNA bill (HF 1341) through the House health policy committee at break neck speed, focusing on testing rather than storage and use of baby DNA, preventing testimony from being heard, and ruling against attempts to add parent consent requirements. Footage of the hearing starting at 1:04:21 and ending at 1:42:00

Most at fault:

Rep. Tina Liebling (D-Rochester) - representing Mayo Clinic (see letter)
Rep. Kim Norton (D-Rochester) - representing Mayo Clinic
Rep. Jim Abeler (R-Anoka) - Republican Lead **see action item below**

Here's what happened:

  • CCHC's "baby DNA" signs (8.5x11in.) were shut down. (1:05:37) Against First Amendment rights, Rep. Liebling, acting as Committee Chair for hearing on Chairman Thissen's bill, announced publicly that it was against House rules for CCHC supporters to have signs in the committee room.
  • Only about 12 out of 70 letters sent by the public to the Committee were published as written testimony. The rest were omitted.

  • Of the five people who asked to testify against the bill, only Twila Brase, CCHC's president (wearing a "PROTECT BABY DNA" sticker) was allowed to testify. Everyone else was shut out. (1:30:20)

  • Rep. Liebling interrupted Ms. Brase while she was testifying to let Rep. Norton challenge Brase's assertion that the health department did not have the right to collect, store and use baby blood when they began in 1997. (1:33:48) Brase explained Norton's error to everyone in the audience and everyone watching the television coverage. Norton had earlier argued (1:21:25) for Mayo retaining the blood for Mayo research, pointing our the Mayo Clinic letter to the committee and saying they aren't an "evil entity." Rep. Leibling interrupted Ms. Brase again toward the end of her testimony to say "wrap up, Ms. Brase."

  • Rep. Abeler, co-author of HF 1341, offered an amendment to KEEP the nearly 12-yr old baby DNA warehouse in operation for two more years, until 2011 (1:12:56). However, his likely intent is to promise to discard the DNA in 2011, but to keep the warehouse intact long after. Here's how: in 2011, (when Governor Pawlenty is likely gone), the department can simply bring a bill to extend the expiration date into the future or to repeal the discard requirement altogether. As in the past, Rep. Abeler appears to be working in sync with the health department adding future expiration dates to controversial legislation so the expiration date can later be repealed when public outrage has died down. See HF 1554 (this year's repeal of Abeler's 2005 expiration date regarding due process rights)

  • When Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Delano) tried to add a parent consent amendment, (1:38:10) Liebling ruled that it was not allowed. When Liebling's ruling was challenged, Rep. Abeler refused to support his Republican colleague Rep. Emmer in the roll call vote on Liebling's ruling. Instead of voting in support of Emmer, Republican Lead Abeler chose not to vote. On a vote of 13-6, Liebling's rule held and no parent consent amendment was allowed to be offered.

  • After raised voices, the committee passed the bill with Abeler's "keep the DNA warehouse" amendment included.
  • Also, Rep. Thissen, author of the bill, discussed the pending lawsuit against MDH. When asked why he's not waiting for the conclusion of the lawsuit, he said, "we want to get this law clarified." He added, "It'll save litigation costs if we pass this bill because that'll take one part of that lawsuit and maybe most of that lawsuit away." (1:15:00).
These disturbing events can be viewed online, starting at 1:04:21.

What's Next?

The amended House baby DNA bill will soon be heard in the House Civil Justice Committee, at a date yet to be announced. Rep. Mary Liz Holberg (R-Lakeville) is a member of the committee, and a strong advocate of privacy.

In the Senate, introduction of a new Senate bill is possible. Or...the Senate could simply use the amended House bill for a Senate vote. Once that happens, it will be sent to the Governor, perhaps as soon as the end of the month. Then it'll be up to the Governor to pass or veto it.

Critical Action Items

  • Rep. Abeler: Given his failure to support Rep. Emmer on a procedural vote, perhaps it's time for new Republican leadership on the committee. To validate his leadership, Rep. Abeler should have spoken up and requested that his Republican colleague Rep. Emmer receive the normal courtesy that he deserved. If you agree that new leadership is needed, please contact Minority Leader Rep. Marty Seifert (651-296-5374, 888-234-1242, to request that he appoint a new Republican Lead on the Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee.
  • Governor Pawlenty: Contact the Governor. Ask him to VETO the bill if it comes. And ask him to shut down his health commissioner's efforts to eliminate genetic privacy and informed written consent.
  • Legislators: Contact your state Representative and Senator to oppose the baby DNA bill (HF1341).
  • Letter to Editor: Write a letter to the Editor of your local paper. Give as the place to access forms for parents to opt-out of the DNA warehouse.
Contact info:

Governor Tim Pawlenty:; 651-296-3391; 1-800-657-3717
State Representative:
State Senator:
House Information: 651-296-2146
Senate Information: 651-296-0504

- CCHC -

Sunday, March 15, 2009


If you want to share some information, you might want to concider video hosting sites like YouTube. Some good ones can always be found at Liberty Pen. NakedEmporerNews did some hard investigating into Barack Hussein Obama during the campaign. If this message was released to the public, the outcome of the presidential campaign would have went the other way. The same could be said for TheMouthPiece.

If you make a video and it gets banned, be sure to bring Fair Use Doctrine to the forefront. YouTube hasn't always been the best at keeping up with this.

Sue Jeffers Show 3/15/08 Review + Action Items

Sue Jeffers has her own blog. This is meant to be a supplement listeners to her informative radio show on Saturdays from 5-7PM. The Hubster highly recommends her show as a useful tool for busy Minnesotains to keep in touch with Minnesota politics. All

  1. Legislators introduced 1538 pieces of legislation this year thus far. Sue Jeffers (and I) think that they are up to no good.

  2. Baby DNA taken by force! Lawsuit of nine families against the Department of Health.

  3. Lead Republican for Health and Human Services (R) Jim Abler supports the charge against DNA Rights. Contact Jim Abler to force the issue. Remind him that the government does not have ownership over our DNA. We The People tell the government what it can do.

  4. Guns, Guns, Guns. Every time there is a gun incident, people fall into the non sequitor that what we need is "gun control". Gun control is never having to say I missed. The cops aren't necessarily going to bail you out, so stay armed and lead criminals with warm lead. Guests and Gun Trainers Tim Grant and Randy Penrod talk about gun rights and federalism. Gun Train is available through the AACFI. Voting is the final peaceful check-and-balance towards guarenteeing our rights, so it is important to maintain that. 32 States have right to carry laws, but it ideally is unnecessary because the right to carry shall not be infringed according to the second amendment. In Katrina they confiscated guns in Louisianna. If we do not excersize our rights, we lose them. Jefferson and Washington made it clear that carrying arms are paramount. Washington stated it is second only to the Constitution itself.

  5. Police cannot be everywhere at once. It is up to you to defend yourself.

  6. Heller Case upholds the 2nd Amendment, major victory.

  7. Gun Databases is a major infringement issue. It is a tool designed to assist government in stripping the 2nd Amendment rights at the appropriate time. Forum Thread on House File 953 with all of the appropriate information, and who to contact about it.

  8. Gun Show Loophole Canard mentioned. There is no such thing, except in the minds of fringe liberals who propegate myths to sell their bankrupt ideas. Gun Myths Debunked.

  9. Gun Owners need to know when to draw their arms and when not to, and to get a lawyer every time it is discharged in self-defense, because emotionally invested people who defendend themselves are useless. It is another reason to get gun training.

  10. Most Homeowner's Insurance does not generally cover gun incidents, so call your insurance agent to add it.

  11. Doctors ask you if you have a gun in the house. It is none of their damn business, and it isn't relevant to anything. Democrats are attempting to turn it into a public health issue so they can waste dollars on research furthering the canard.

  12. Stand Your Ground Bill may get passed next time. It was narrowly defeated by one vote. The goal of this bill is to put the onus on the State to explain why a shooter was wrong, rather than on the shooter to explain why he/she didn't run away instead. Better luck next time.

  13. Sue Jeffers lights the grassroots fire underneath the behind of our "incompetant State Party Chair", and his "replica" Brandon being the only one in the race. What is Gov. Pawlenty going to do? Andy Aplikowski keeps us up to date on his blog.

  14. - Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Association.

  15. Randy Penrod's email -

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Card-Check Petition

Currently, companies decide whether or not to unionize by a 42 day private election. Those 42 days allow bosses to give the employees the opportunity to educate his workforce on what a union would mean.

As I was listening to a free podcast by the Heritage Foundation, I noted that the democrats want to take away the secret ballot, and dramatically shorten the voting period to 5 days. This favors unionization because it allows union bosses to bribe and/or intimidate people into unionizing, which may or may not be in their best interest. The shorter time period remarkably favors a misinformation campaign.

Employees currently have the option whether or not to unionize, but democrats want to change that. Guaranteeing a permanent job for safety for a few extra benefits cuts short that potential for greatness. This is the part that is so profoundly UnAmerican. We believe in the pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness, while the democrats (and negotiable republicans) want to place a guarantee on that happiness in return for a few votes. Perhaps change means to some liberal democrats first and foremost recognizing that the human individual posses too much freedom.

A Union may allow employees to cross the finish line in the middle of the pack in the race of life, but is that what they want? It is surely not what the Founding Fathers wanted for them. This may sound familiar.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." - The Declaration of Independence.

If you have 30 seconds more, petition Card-Check, to protect the employees right to make an informed decision.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obama's Press Secretary Wags the Dog

Rather than including congressional republicans in the process, congressional democrats took the low road in excluding republicans from the Stimulus Package entirely. Perhaps Stimulus is a misnomer. Rush Limbaugh has deemed it Porkulus, and imitators have deemed it Spendulus, but it is what it is. That is a bill designed solely for the survival of democrat special interest groups. It has nothing to do with the economy.

This can be illustrated many ways. One is by pointing out some of the hundreds of items that waste millions and billions of dollars that create homework for the people, putting Americans behind gov't desks instead of lasting private sector positions. It was jammed down the collective throats of "us" with a complicit media who intends to keep us out of the loop.

It has only succeeded in galvanizing opposition, and rather than take a step forward and address the economy. Obama has yet taken another step backward and address Rush Limbaugh through his Press Secretary Gibbs in a media food fight. The point is to try to marginalize mainstream conservatism as something fringe and unusual (which cannot be farther from the truth), and to distract people from political underhandedness in Washington. Rather than being government watchdogs, as is a proud tradition of the media, the pundits have become subsidiary government cheerleaders. The only criticisms these days are marginalizations of those who dare criticize legitimate concerns, and their talking points are directed from Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Press Secretary Gibbs.

This all could have been avoided with Rush Limbaugh's Bipartisan Plan. Republicans won 46% of the vote, so they spend 46% of the bill in the form of tax cuts. Democrats won 54% of the vote, so they spend 54% of the money on spending plans. This would have the support of nearly every American, and would turn the page on partisan politics. However Obama has made no single move towards bipartisanship.

Gibbs is simply 'wagging the dog', aiming that Americans won't hold him and congressional democrats accountable. Hopefully Obama will get around addressing Wall Street and Main Street one of these days after growing the government into oblivion. As stunning as this is, Obama has grown the government in his first six weeks than every other American President before him combined.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take away everything you have." - Thomas Jefferson

Free Podcasts for Your MP3 Players

Here is some help on how to expand the use of your MP3 player. ITunes, and Zunes (and other MP3 players) allow you to carry podcasts.

Here are some podcasts I find helpful.

Jason Lewis and Sue Jeffers (conservative and libertarian radio talk)
Cato Institute and Heritage Foundation (conservative and libertarian thought)

Podcasts are a great way to gain information while going about your day. There are plenty of other podcasts to find, and a lot of them are free.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

White House Intimidates Free Speech

Liberty is a muscle that must be flexed from time to time. That's why this next topic is a concern to all freedom loving Americans. I happen to agree with Santelli's speech on the Chicago trading floor. Here it is in case you missed it.

However, the White House has a different take.

It is unfortunate that the White House took the low road trying to make it personal "I don't know what Santelli's house looks like. I don't know where he lives." What is that suppose to mean? What's with marginalizing Rush Limbaugh? Anyone who speaks out against the administration is a target, and is marginalized. American people know that if one person doesn't pay the mortgage, and you do... screw that! Why pay your mortgage at all?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Job Hunt

With the grace of technology, we don't have to use our survival instincts to shoot buck, and duck. Many of us enjoy the sport, but the modern sport is the job hunt, because that's what feeds your family. I want to help you feed your family yourself, especially as the target becomes scarce.

So to kick off your one stop shop for all your conservative needs, The Conservative Hub, I've networked some of the various advice and have compiled the best list on what's a crock and what's not.

Gimmicks are a crock. Be genuine, because it's usually good enough. Wearing camouflage with job interviewers may get you in the door, but they are your friends not your enemies. How far do you think you're going to get in a company if the whole time you feel like your advancing behind enemy lines?

However, here's some items that are not a crock. Using the following resources will help improve your chances of not coming home empty handed.

. This is first and foremost how you represent yourself. Managers are looking to see what you represent, and they are looking to see if you are what you represent, which brings us to the interview. Go in with a positive can-do attitude. If you go out of the interview without the job, it's for the best because it wouldn't have worked out in the long-term. Absolutely there is a place in the job market for you.

. Post your resume on the internet to increase your chances. makes it easy to make a presentable resume, and if you don't you're behind the curve.

*sigh*, these days we must address the Health and Human Services crowd. You know the tired phrase, if all else fails turn to government? These dependencies are a short-term fix and not a long-term solution. We live in the USA, one of the only nations where the government doesn't tell the people what to do. We tell it. We the people decide the role of government.

The Hubster has a slightly different take. If all else fails, help gov't fail! The sooner government falls flat on its face, the less onerous it'll be on the job markets and American families. Government needs to go on a diet, and it's good to help it shed a few pounds. But, recognize, these dependencies are a form of democrat and government usury and a long-term liability for growing families. Our votes are not for sale.

Mission Statement

This conservative hub is a one-stop shop for happy, proud, loving Americans who believe in its conservative principals.

We carry with us the principals of our founding fathers, the principals of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Sound familiar? Many of you know that those principals came directly from the Declaration of Independence. It's something that we all frankly take for granted. Our founding fathers shed blood for it. They lost families for it. They endured decades of cruel government for it.

As conservatives we understand liberty requires duty, and we have a duty to repel borders against those who seek to marginalize it, and defeat it.